domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Adjusting To Her Intelligence

Claude Porras PhD (The Alien)

"If she’s a member of Mensa, Extra Terrestrial woman, her father,  Santa Closs , Superior Intelligence, a regular girl with a regular IQ or whatever you want, you’ll need to know the smart way to adjust to her intelligence."
  • Better Man in brief ...
  • If a woman is very smart, she is used to having her brains as the focus.
  • Smart or not, letting her talk about herself is key.
  • Don't ever put a woman down for her mental strengths or weaknesses.
  • Don´t try steal her money or try brain washing to accept your ideas or your mediocrity, probably one in a million you are witn a perfect woman, smart, intelligent and very pretty. Noway,  she is not going to like you, and she can use her intelligence to destroy you in mental and pshychologycal way.

A player  (she or he)is not someone who gets theirs and leaves a trail of broken hearts. A player is not someone who jumps from one shallow bed to the next. A player is that person who lives life like a legend, puts a woman into a passionate romance and works his job like he built the company. This player in particular has covered the globe as a photojournalist. Camera in one hand and laptop in the other, I’ve seen the best and the worst across time zones and international waters. In these travels, the foundations of how to play have been learned.

Just as beauty runs the gamut, so does intelligence. There are the book-smart who borderline on genius with high IQs. There are the street-smart who may not have the scholastic credentials but know their way around tough situations. Brains are definitely another aspect of relationships that need to be addressed, and especially must be considered when a player is stepping up to a new lady. If she’s a member of Mensa or a regular girl with a regular IQ, you’ll need to know the smart way to adjust to her intelligence.

the smart girl

Don’t highlight her intelligence too much

I’ve made love to a nuclear physicist and been intimate with a GED recipient. Both were good women who brought various aspects to the relationship. Why were they equally great? Because the emphasis, while dating, love-making and pursuing, was never about their intelligence. If a woman is highly intelligent, she is used to having her brains be the focus, similar to looks with an extremely beautiful girl. It will either be an annoyance for her or a boost to her arrogance. If a woman is not considered or doesn’t consider herself to be bright, she has also been judged by her intelligence. Focus on additional aspects of who she is and watch her react to you with intrigue.

Let her talk about her expertise

Her brains have always been judged. She’s either been called a nerd and a brainiac, maniac or a dimwit and a ditz . The key is to ask her about her interests, passions and knowledge. More than likely, other men have focused on her smarts (or lack thereof) and rarely asked her about her. People love talking about themselves and what they love. Once you find her expertise and what topic lights her up, pursue it, explore it and watch her open up to conversation -- and open up to getting to know you.

More brilliant ways to approach intelligent women ...
"Telling her she is smart will be relished for the same reason that the intelligent girl wants to be told she is attractive."

Smart girls like to be told they’re pretty

Yes, she is intelligent. However, remember that everyone, especially a lady who catches your eye, wants to know that her physicality is appreciated as well. In other words, young player, a woman likes to be told that she’s pretty. Avoid cheesy lines and sleazy approaches and go with something simple like telling her, “You are a beautiful woman.” With sincerity and honesty, tell her that she is a fine woman, that her brains are amazing and that her body is as well. In situations where she has kept fit and worked out, she’ll truly enjoy knowing that her efforts are paying off.

the not-so-smart girl

Don’t make her feel stupid

If she is not known for her mental powers, do not focus on or draw attention to her perceived brainy shortcomings. Don’t make her feel stupid. Do not point out mistakes in what she says or lack of understandings she has. If you have to correct her, make these adjustments slight and small. Also, take the emphasis off of what she does or does not know and focus on her other successes. Find other topics of discussion that she can chime in on and you will see a positive impact on your relationship.

Tell her she’s smart

If she’s not known for her intelligence, take note of the moments when her mind shines and make it known. I was once traveling with a luscious woman who was often considered less than bright. When I made mention of how smart she was when navigating our way in a new town, I was, well, congratulated for my compliment. Make sure your compliments are authentic. Do not kiss up or make ridiculous, lavish expressions about her mind, but let her know that her smarts are attractive. Then make sure that you appreciate her body as well. Telling her she is smart will be relished for the same reason that the intelligent girl wants to be told she is attractive. Making note of a woman’s least noticed but most desired trait will truly turn her on.

the smart move

One of the greatest players ever and legendary American writer Ernest Hemingway once said, “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” (Sorry Hemingway. cos I am very happy I have monkeys or stupids orthodox sexist men behind me, CPorras ) woman’s mind can be as much a point of contention as her body. Adjusting to her intelligence is an art, and arts are more learned through craft than academics. Take the test, enjoy her mind and don’t hate the woman.

If you have the fortune to meet a smart, intelligent  and a beautiful woman, do not become a monkey.

Posted by
Claude Porras PhD
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Consultant and Personal Trainer

Claude D Porras